ICS Fundsmith

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What are role types?

Institutional Investor has role-based user access to ensure the security of your accounts and accuracy of instructions.
Every role type has access to view accounts and documentation, and some have additional capabilities.
It is possible for multiple user roles to be combined.

View Account (basic level access)

  • Valuations (at account and fund level)
  • Transaction history
  • Documents (statements, Contract Notes and tax vouchers)
  • Valuations (at account and fund level)
  • Transaction history
  • Documents (statements, Contract Notes and tax vouchers)

Deal Issuer

  •  As per View Account, with additional functionality to place the following transactions, all deals will be submitted
    pending approval from a user with the Deal Approval role
  • Buy/Sale (add funds to your holding)
  • Sell/Repurchase (withdraw funds from your holding)
  • Switch (move funds from one fund holding to another)

Deal Approval
As per Deal Issuer, with additional functionality to approve or reject trades submitted by other users. Note that if a deal is input by a deal approver this will not need to be approved by another user.

We recommend that each institution has at least two Deal Approval user roles set up, in case of absence.