ICS Fundsmith

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Reviewing a Transaction Request


1. Approvals shows pending purchases, withdrawals and switch transactions that have been input by a user, but require authorisation from a second user before they can be submitted for processing. The red alert flag shows how many transactions are awaiting approval.
2. Use the Search function to find a specific transaction by type, Institution name or account number.
3. Each pending transaction is summarised for checking, with details of the user that issued it, the transaction type, account number, and details of the funds and values.
 4. DEAL REJECTION ONLY: If the deal entered is incorrectly, use the Decline option to return it to the user that input it, so they can re-enter the instruction correctly.

A pop-up screen will ask you to leave a description why you have declined the transaction. - See below for further details.
5. DEAL APPROVAL ONLY: If the deal entered is correct use the approve option to submit the deal for processing.

Note: Declined deals can’t be amended. They will need to be re-entered again from the beginning. If the transaction includes trades for multiple funds, but only one of the trades is incorrect, the entire transaction will need to be declined and re-entered correctly.


DEAL APPROVERS ONLY: If the deal is correct, select Approve. You will be asked to confirm again that the deal is correct. The deal will be then be placed at the next available valuation point.

What happens next?

An email is sent to the submitting user to confirm if the deal was approved, or declined (with your feedback).