ICS Fundsmith

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Placing a Purchase

Available to DEAL ISSUER and DEAL APPROVER role types only.

This option provides functionality to invest further money to top-up the account.


All of the funds currently held within the account are listed on the page.

1. If you wish to invest further money into an existing fund, enter the monetary amount to be invested into the Amount box.
Simply leave the Amount field blank if you don’t wish to invest further money into an existing fund.
2. Select Add another fund to invest into a new fund.

Note: If you don’t need to add another fund, skip the next step and go to Step Three – Update Investment Amounts.


1. All of the funds available from Fundsmith are listed in alphabetical order. Use the scroll bar to view the full list (Where needed).
2. Tick the box to select a fund. You can select more than one fund. Funds already held within the account will automatically display as being selected.
3. Select the Literature icon to view a Key Investors Information Document (KIID) about the fund you are selecting. This can be downloaded and saved. It is important to read this document carefully before investing into the fund, and later in this process you will be prompted to confirm that you have read the KIID before the transaction can proceed.
4. Select the Next button once you have finished picking funds.
5. Use the Back or Cancel button to discard the transaction and return to the Account page.


1. Any new funds you have added are shown below the existing funds. Select the minus icon to remove them.

2. Enter the monetary amount to be invested into each fund.

3. The Key Investor Information Document (KIID) is available to download and save here (if you haven’t done so already in the previous step).

4. The Total figure will update to show the full amount you are investing.

5. For new Income funds you have selected, select the Income Preference. You can either reinvest this income into the same fund, or choose to pay it out.

6. Tick the box to confirm you have read the KIID for each of the funds chosen.

7. Select Next to proceed. This option will only be available to select once you have completed all the required information in the previous steps.



1. The funds chosen, amounts to be invested and income preferences selected are summarised for you to review.

2. Important information about the next steps after you submit the transaction are shown.

3. Select Back to change any of the details entered previously.

4. Selct Submit to send the transaction for review and approval by another user.


After submission, a confirmation will display that your transaction has been sent to an approver, for final checking and to submit the trade for processing.

1. Select View My Trades to view the deal in the Pending Deals section.

Note: You can return to view the trade at any time using the My Trades option in the left tool bar on the Homepage 

What happens next?

Once the ‘approver’ has processed your instruction, you will receive an email to confirm the action taken by the approver. They will either confirm or reject the transaction. If rejected, the email will contain the reason why, and you will need to submit the transaction again from the beginning.

If you have submitted a multiple trade investment (for example, £100,000 to be invested across multiple funds in one deal), and only one trade is incorrect, the whole deal will be rejected and you will need to submit it again.

Payment is to be sent within four working days from receipt of your deal confirmation and we reserve the right to cancel your investment if money is not received within the settlement period. Bank details for settlement can be found here.