ICS Fundsmith

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Account Sub Menu

This page is accessed by selecting View Account (from the 'Accounts' page), or choosing an Account from the Account Options from the left hand toolbar.

1. The Valuation tab provides a detailed valuation of the account, including percentage splits of each fund within the
2. Each fund is listed separately, with its percentage split of the total portfolio, the number of units held, and the most
recent unit price and monetary value.
3. Hover over each section of the donut graph to view the name of that asset and its value.
4. The most recent transaction on the account is summarised.

1. Transactions into and out of a fund that have taken place on the account are shown on this page in descending
order, with the most recent transactions in the current calendar year displaying first.
2. The date, transaction type, fund name, monetary amount of the transaction and its status are listed in a row.
3. Select the information icon in the Detail column to view detailed information for a transaction via a pop-up display.

To view earlier transactions, select Load More Transactions at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll down to see this option). This will load transactions for the previous calendar year and so on, until all transactions are displayed.

Trades will display their status as follows

  • Pending     Deal has been placed by a user and is waiting for approval/ rejection
  • Received    Deal has been received and requires validating
  • Placed         Deal has been placed for the next available valuation point
  • Rejected     Deal has been rejected by the approval user

If you have the relevant user role type, the Place a Trade tab will take you to the available trading options to buy, sell or switch funds.
1. The Place A Trade tab enables users with permission to top up the account, or change or sell the units held within
an account.
2. Select Buy to invest further money to top up the account.
3. Select Sell to disinvest / withdraw money from your account.
4. Select Switch Funds to change the funds the account is invested in. 

Please refer to the Trade section of the help centre for further details